Recognition of foreign academic qualifications


All information on how to get the recognition of foreign academic qualifications

If you have an academic qualification obtained abroad, you can apply for its recognition for a similar university qualification issued by the University of Cagliari.

Universities are responsible for recognising courses and study periods spent abroad and foreign qualifications, for the following purposes:

  • access to higher education
  • continuing university studies
  • awarding Italian university qualifications

Universities exercise such competencies autonomously and in compliance with the respective degree programme systems, without prejudice to any bilateral agreements in force ( Lisbon Convention of 11 April 1997 ratified in Italy by Law No. 148/2002).

For purposes other than those listed above (eg participation in public competitions or access to regulated professions) the request must be submitted to other State administrations. For more information, visit the Cimea website (Information Center on Mobility and Academic Equivalences).


When to apply: 

  • if bilateral agreements establishing the equivalence of qualifications are in force (e.g. Italy/Austria), you can apply any time of the year, according to the methods laid down in each bilateral agreement;
  • if there is no bilateral agreement, you have to submit the application for recognition by the annual deadlines for matriculation.

Where to apply:

  • if you are a EU or non-EU with EU equivalent status student, you can submit the application to the Student Administration Office running the degree programme for which you are requesting recognition;
  • if you are a non-EU student with residency abroad, you can submit the application via the Italian Embassy of the competent territory to the Student Administration Office running the degree programme for which you are requesting recognition.


You have to deliver:

  • the application for recognition of the foreign academic qualification, addressed to the Rector and indicating the address for correspondence;
  • (if you apply for recognition of a first cycle or single cycle qualification) original foreign high school qualification, translated and legalised by the Italian Embassy, complete with the declaration of value, where applicable and original foreign academic qualification, translated and legalised by the competent Italian Embassy complete with the declaration of value, where applicable;
  • (if you apply for recognition of a second cycle qualification) original first and second cycle foreign academic qualifications, translated and legalised by the competent Italian Embassy complete with the declarations of value, where applicable;
  • original certificate issued by the competent academic authorities listing the exams passed, translated and legalised by the competent Italian Embassy, for each academic qualification;
  • official syllabus of all the learning activities completed by the student in order to obtain the foreign academic qualification (on headed paper of the foreign university with stamp and signature), with an official translation into Italian and legalized by the competent Italian Embassy and complete with a declaration of value if requested or equipped with Apostille in the case of a degree awarded by a country adhering to the Hague Convention (1961).

Always check in the specific pages when the declaration of value, the translation or the legalization are not required!


To start the procedure of recognition of a foreign qualification, the payment of a 358,50 € fee is required.
The fee is always due and is not refundable, whatever the outcome of the procedure.


The Faculty Council is the competent body in the field of recognition of foreign degrees.

In the presence of bilateral agreements establishing the equivalence between qualifications (eg Italy / Austria), once the administrative checks on documentation are carried out, the Board decides the equivalence, followed by the issue of the corresponding Italian qualification.

In the absence of bilateral agreements concerning the equivalence between qualifications, the application for recognition may end with a full recognition and issue of the corresponding Italian qualification or with a partial recognition of the qualification. In this case you can apply for shortening the degree programme to obtain the enrolment in a given year of the corresponding University of Cagliari degree programme, based on the number of credits recognised.


In case of bilateral agreements concerning the equivalence of qualifications, it is not required to pass any entrance exams.


  • for restricted access degree programmes at national level, the outcome of the application for recognition is always subject to the internal regulations (Faculty Regulations and Degree Course Regulations) in force at the time the application for recognition is received;
  • for restricted access degree programmes at local level, the outcome of the application for recognition is always subject to the internal regulations (Faculty Regulations and Degree Course Regulations) in force at the time the application for recognition is received.
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